Friday, September 25, 2015

I'm busy!

The funny things Peter said today:
1, at Costco he saw Christmas trees, he told an old lady " Marry Christmas!"  the lady said " Marry Christmas to you too!" we almost died laughing
2, He randomly said to me : MOMMY I have a secret (in chinses). My eyes went wide as I couldn't believe that came out of my two year old's mouth. I asked " what is it?" He said something like "funny MOMMY"....
3, I just called Peter to come and change into his pajamas. you never would guess what he said to me: I am busy!!

We are not so sure that he is only two any more...

Monday, September 14, 2015


Michael built this! Peter may or may not helped. Some incredible fort building skills! I feel bad for taking it down so I'm going to leave it there until later today