Tuesday, December 31, 2013

change clothes; happy baby

One of the things Peter hates the most is changing clothes. Putting those arms and head through is one of his worst fears.

In the last week Peter has changed from becoming an angry terror to a truly happy, smiley baby. He still sleeps poorly at night, but during the day time he is a treat. He smiles and giggles all the time to almost everyone. He has figured out the bottle and I think his body has adapted to the formula. It's a fun time to be a parent.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Light up

Peter's little face lights up when I walks into his sight. It melts my heart. It reminds me how much I love him, and how sweet he is.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Poor little Peter

Yesterday afternoon Peter was really gassy. He suddenly started screaming after eating a little, and he acted like he was in great pain. He was twisting his body, wouldn't let me touch his tummy or lay him down. He would choke on his own spit ups. Anyway, it was a frantic time. I called the dr. office and was put on hold, called Sam he was busy and didn't pick up the phone. So I called EMS. The firefighters came really fast. But then Peter calmed down and was able to pass tons of gas. He was ok afterall. But this experience just made me even more sure about going on diet trials. I want to figure out what is causing him pain and stop it. So I can have my sweet little boy all the time. I love him so much.

Peter has also made me so grateful for Enoch and Michael for being healthy most of the time. I am used to take being healthy for granted. Worrying about something could go wrong with my baby every day is kind of a torture. Knowing that CMV virus is waiting to attach him whenever his immune system is down is really stressful. I hope that that day will never come. I will try my best to protect Peter from getting any damage. You know what, trying my best is not enough, I need to fight to protect Peter even if it means to sacrifice. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No poop

It's been four days without poop. Before this Peter has been pooping once a day, then twice a day for a few days. Dr. Macia did say it's normal for breastfed babies to go a few days without pooping, but I'm still a little worried. Let's hope he'll poop soon. He seems really gassy, but I cant tell if he is gassier or not, he's always this way I guess. Sometimes when I put him on the blanket, he would kick, and then toot for ever. Then he would be so happy afterwards.


Sometimes Peter gets so distracted by his brothers, he would stop eating and turn his head in attempt to see them. So cute! I'm relieved that he seems to be less sleepy during the day. AND he slept from 9pm to 1am last night, a good long four hours for the first time! Hope this will become a norm.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Blood work

Today Peter had another set of blood work including Bilirubin, CMV IgG, IgM, CBC. They needed five little tubes of blood and Peter got poked twice on his heel. He cried the whole time, and even cried himself to throw up. I feel so bad for him! But after we got home and he napped, he was smiling beautifully to me again. It's good that he still loves me even though I didn't save him from the needles. I love him too! Hope this is the last set of blood work for a while!!

And he was already 13lbs, 4ozs at 7 weeks old!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Improvement and Worry

Peter seems to be doing better. He still sleeps more than the other kids seemed to, about 20 hours a day. When he is awake and alert he is adorable and beautiful. Starting to smile more than he used to.

It seems less likely that he had a congenital CMV infection. Right now the labs are uncertain. He had a positive urine culture for CMV at about 5 weeks, and shortly thereafter his IgM was 0 and IgG was 2.2 This is weird for a lot of reasons, but the absence of severe clinical symptoms and timing of the splenomegaly makes it seem like it was not a congenital infection.

Nonetheless, both Sharon and I sometimes get worried.

Peter, if you only knew how many hours and hours your mother has spent worrying over you. She literally spends hours and hours of every day worrying how you are doing, hoping you don't have permanent hearing or eye damage, and just wishing and wishing everything will be OK. Both of us love you so much.

One of our favorite things to do is occasionally make a loud noise while you sleep to see if it startles you. When you jerk and start crying we are made so happy because it means you are healthy. We love you and hope all is well.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Peter is getting much more fussy than he used to be. Sharon is getting rid of all the dairy in her diet to see if it will help. She made lots and lots of freezer meals before she had Peter, but it turns out that almost every meal has cheese in it. This means all the hard work and preparation that Sharon put in to making meals before the baby came was somewhat in vain! I hope someday you appreciate how much your mother loves you, Peter!

But we are just so glad that you seem healthy. You gave us a scare, and we're not out of the water yet. It would be very difficult for both of us if something happened to you!