Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No poop

It's been four days without poop. Before this Peter has been pooping once a day, then twice a day for a few days. Dr. Macia did say it's normal for breastfed babies to go a few days without pooping, but I'm still a little worried. Let's hope he'll poop soon. He seems really gassy, but I cant tell if he is gassier or not, he's always this way I guess. Sometimes when I put him on the blanket, he would kick, and then toot for ever. Then he would be so happy afterwards.


Sometimes Peter gets so distracted by his brothers, he would stop eating and turn his head in attempt to see them. So cute! I'm relieved that he seems to be less sleepy during the day. AND he slept from 9pm to 1am last night, a good long four hours for the first time! Hope this will become a norm.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Blood work

Today Peter had another set of blood work including Bilirubin, CMV IgG, IgM, CBC. They needed five little tubes of blood and Peter got poked twice on his heel. He cried the whole time, and even cried himself to throw up. I feel so bad for him! But after we got home and he napped, he was smiling beautifully to me again. It's good that he still loves me even though I didn't save him from the needles. I love him too! Hope this is the last set of blood work for a while!!

And he was already 13lbs, 4ozs at 7 weeks old!