Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gingerbread houses

Mesquite elementary had a family Feast party and every family get to decorate gingerbread houses.

I think this was their first gingerbread house decoration ever. They did great! Had so much fun!

Michael's house in the black container and Enoch's house in the clear container. Peter made a snowman with three mushmellows.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Playing together

When Enoch is at school, sometimes it's very hard when Michael and Peter just have each other, they seem to be always bugging each other. But there are times, when they play so well together and I feel so happy to see them bound as brothers.

One morning Michael and Peter played soccer on the grass then played on the trampoline, using the entrance as the goal. Then tonight these two just went to the toy room to play, you can hear them laughing together.

The other night while Michael was practice piano, Enoch and Peter played chasing games. I was surprised to see that Peter actually can play well and keep up with Enoch and Michael now. Time really flies, I still remember Peter as a baby and now he is just a big boy like his brothers.

I love that they can do more and more things together now, they have less and less gap, they include Peter in more and more things they do. I hope you three stay best brothers. Love you three!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Since being back from Mexico thanksgiving our boys have been sick. They went through a round of stomach flue with puking and then Peter started to have a fever the night before, and have a weezing sound (which was corrected by the doctor as a strider sound). Last night I felt horrible, he was having a really hard time keeping his breath. He didn't cough a lot, but every time he did it was painful for him, I can tell. After calling his pediatrician, I decided to take him to the ER. Our neighbor Loraine came to take Enoch and Michael to sleep at her house guest room. Sam happened to be working at the ER last night so he came to visit us during work. But he was too busy and had to go back to work. We got checked in, the Dr gave Peter Steroids meds, breathing treatment.   He got better and then worse again, so they gave him another breathing treatment, and waited another two hours until the steroids kicked in. Peter was cheerful as long as he could breath better and play with iPad. We got discharged around 1am.

On the way to the ER, Peter was so sick during the car ride, he would make laboring breathing sound, and ask me to hold him. "Mommy can you hold me?" 'Mommy can you hold my hand?" I started to pancake, I had a slight feeling that there is chance of losing him!! I started crying. It was a scary moment to me. I hope I never had to experience that again with any of my kids.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Cry it out again ... :(

Peter has been really clingy recently , seems not like to go to bed. Last week when we were at Mexico Beach, we kept their room door open at night because it was too dark. So Peter wanted the door to be open at home too, last night he cried forever. It breaks my heart because he talks so well, saying things like "I want you mommy", " Mommy can you hold me get down?", " can you cove my blanket?"... It's just so hard to ignore him when he spoke so sad and so sweet. But I know that I can't give in, he should not learn to manipulate people like that. I hope when he grows up, he will be a good person. Love you Peter!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

grass monster

I caught a grasshopper outside and gave it to the kids. they've been in love with it this past week. the grasshopper lost one back leg when I was trying to catch it. and then lost another during the time Michael and Peter were playing with it. and this morning, it died after being sick for a few days. we've tried to feed it lettuce, water, oats and even cotton balls(Enoch's choice). sadly it went rigid and died this morning. Michel was really sad and wants to find a new one.

Peter always calls it "grass monster" which was really cute! and in the first pic the boys built a duplo box they called "grasshopper 'S house" to trap the grasshopper in there. I can see that they really likes the grasshopper a lot.

They even have this fake grass for the grasshopper to play on.

Friday, September 25, 2015

I'm busy!

The funny things Peter said today:
1, at Costco he saw Christmas trees, he told an old lady " Marry Christmas!"  the lady said " Marry Christmas to you too!" we almost died laughing
2, He randomly said to me : MOMMY I have a secret (in chinses). My eyes went wide as I couldn't believe that came out of my two year old's mouth. I asked " what is it?" He said something like "funny MOMMY"....
3, I just called Peter to come and change into his pajamas. you never would guess what he said to me: I am busy!!

We are not so sure that he is only two any more...

Monday, September 14, 2015


Michael built this! Peter may or may not helped. Some incredible fort building skills! I feel bad for taking it down so I'm going to leave it there until later today

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Michael's finger

Peter closed the door on Michael's finger today. Michael learned the hard way that he shouldn't put his finger in the crack inbetween the door and door frame, where the door connects the door frame. It was really sad. I gave him some tylonal and chocolate before taking him to see his Dr. Took xray of his fingers, everything looks fine. So they put Band aid on there to proven pulling off the fingernail. But was told that the fingernail is going to fall off on its own.

Re: Reading a book together

On Aug 20, 2015 8:07 PM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:

I told the boys to give them some time to read books before I turn off the light. And came in to found Michael lying on Enoch's bed with Enoch reading the "there was a coyote who swallowed a flea". Peter saw me coming in, wanted me to put him on Enoch's bed saying that "enoch reading coyote "... so cute!

Reading a book together

I told the boys to give them some time to read books before I turn off the light. And came in to found Michael lying on Enoch's bed with Enoch reading the "there was a coyote who swallowed a flea". Peter saw me coming in, wanted me to put him on Enoch's bed saying that "enoch reading coyote "... so cute!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Re: Cow jumping over the moon

On Aug 10, 2015 2:11 PM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:

Peter pointed at the milk box and said " Cow jumping over the moon" repeatedly until I got what he was saying and repeated back at him "Cow jumping over the moon" . glad the books we read to him stick with him, at least the "good night moon", definitely reading that book with them tonight! PS: read Chinese veggitable book with Peter before his nap time. He still calls carrots -" bo bo bo", so cute!!

Cow jumping over the moon

Peter pointed at the milk box and said " Cow jumping over the moon" repeatedly until I got what he was saying and repeated back at him "Cow jumping over the moon" . glad the books we read to him stick with him, at least the "good night moon", definitely reading that book with them tonight! PS: read Chinese veggitable book with Peter before his nap time. He still calls carrots -" bo bo bo", so cute!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Enoch's first day of Kindergarten!

Today is Enoch's first day of Kindergarten at the Mesquite Elementary School Chinese Immersion program. Enoch's teachers were Mrs. Bohnsack and Ms.Hu. We dropped Enoch off at school this morning, he found his name tag and settled in his table. His table-mates are Noah, Lucas, Mariana (Mady), and Alexis. Hope Enoch gets to know them and make some friends! Peter was sitting on one of the kids' chairs and ready to color when I told him it's time to go. Of course, it was a sad sad morning for him.

Michael and Peter got to go to the Loft kids fest with me to watch "Bears" and it was a success! They loved it 

Now to wait till time to pick up Enoch and find out how he liked his first day of school. So proud of you Enoch!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sing songs

Peter is in this stage of singing songs. Especially during car rides, he would sing songs nonstop. Today he was singing "ring around the Rosie's" and then Michael joined in to teach peter how to sing the whole song. It was cute!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Burps and farts

No matter how mad Peter is and what kind of temper tantrum he is throwing, I know I can always count on burping and farting to cheer him up.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Ewww.... Gakey!

Peter likes to smell his feet and say "Ewww... yikey!" Instead of saying yikey, he says "Gakey". It's so cute! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Weenk is the other kids marbles when they do good things and they can exchange 20 marble for $1. Recently it's been getting ready for bed quickly which gets them a marble. It's always so fun for me to see Peter also wanting in marble. He is always so excited when I get him one and he gets to be just like his brothers. He also loves for me to rub the benadryl stick on random places on his front just like I rub it for his brothers mosquito bites.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Goodnight moon

Peter has been especially clingy to mom after getting back from china. I brushed his teeth today and he was cute, and then i asked for a hug. He cried and asked for mom. Sharon thought he would love to read goodnight moon with me, and he was instantly adorably excited to read with me. I don't want to forget how great it was to read it with him as he held one of my hands tightly and used his other hand to point at all the things in the book, jabbering in his baby talk excitedly.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hot dogs

Peter loves hot dogs. Today he had 3 hot dogs for dinner, a hot dog bun, green peas and milk.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Where are you daddy?

Our little Peter has always been mommy's boy but with Sam being home so much this half year, Peter has shifted from calling mommy to get him out of bed each morning to calling daddy every day. This morning we heard him saying "where are you daddy?" And Sam was so happy to get him. Peter knows that daddy will be there for him. I just want to say that I am so grateful for the school system that Baylor has where students have so much free time the last year of med school. This has benefited our kids and me in so many different ways. I am so glad that my kids get to bound with their daddy!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Eating toothpaste

Peter figured out how to squish tooth paste out and use tooth brush to "eat" yummy (fluoride) toothpaste. Enoch and Michael came to told me that and Peter ran away when I tried to get the tooth brush and toothpaste from him. He yelled" No, no no no..." and then screamed on the floor when I finally took them away from him. Ha  At least, he loves brushing his teeth, I guess.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I love watching you run down the sidewalk with your squeaky shoes. You are always so excited about it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Playing together

At chic fil a while Enoch is seeing ophthalmologist. Love how Michael and Peter play together. They would be so bored alone! Peter is waiting for Michael to go down slide. If Enoch were here it would be three best friends playing together.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Watch you sleep

I love to walk into your room and watch the three of you sleep. I think I'm going to miss this period of time so much when you all grow up and have your own rooms. I'm crying a little btw. I love you three so much! You are all amazing little boys! I'm so glad that you have each other. I hope you love each other and have each other's back at all times, even when you grow up or grow old. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Doggy for Peter

Enoch drew this dog for Peter and taped it here for him all by himself because he knows Peter likes dogs.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bu Gan 饼干

Thought we'd write this down before we forget and Peter grows out of it. Peter calls 饼干 Bu Gan. It's so cute, he would say "请给我Bu Gan。" So funny! 

Saying "I love you!"

I am so glad that all of you are not shy when it comes the time to say " I love you!" I enjoy you telling me that often, and I need it often. I love you Enoch, Michael and Peter! You are raised to voice your love more openly and comfortably. I was not raised that way, and I am still learning to be more open about my love. You three boys remind me all the time that if you love somebody, you tell them and make sure they know. Thanks my babies! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My itty bitty sticky worm

Peter behaves so well when I am not around. When I am around, he just wants me for himself. He would pull my hands to sit down with him while he watches TV. He would throw himself on the ground crying if I tried to leave. He wants me to hold him all the time like I am going to walk away and never come back. He is officially my itty bitty sticky worm. I just thought of that name. It's great to know that he loves me so much and misses me and needs me. Even though, it's kind of annoying sometimes that I cant do anything by myself, but I know that this phase will not last. And I should be patient and enjoy as much as I can. Love you my itty bitty sticky worm.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


The belt on the air conditioning is loose or old. The car makes a very loud screeching sound whenever it is turned on if the AC is also on. It only lasts a few seconds. I always think it's cute because whenever it happens the kids think that there are snakes in the car.

reading in bed

We've played a nice trick on the kids. We've convinced them that reading to each other in bed before bedtime is the funnest thing ever. Sometimes they use flashlights, which really does seem fun. But usually it's just with the lights on and the door closed and they read books together before I turn the lights off. It doesn't happen every day, but when it does it's a treat. I can even bribe them with it.

Don't get me wrong, we do read to you kids at night and you've always had a nice bedtime routine. But it just amazes me that now I can send you to be extra early to read books, and you're all excited for it :-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Da qu

Peter has been obsessed with walking all by himself on this little ledge. It gets kind of high end it's not very safe for him to do by himself. But he won't let me hold his hand. He loves doing it by himself. If I stand in his way on the ledge he yells at me. It sounds like da qu (xia qu). Cutey!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Daddy pie

Recently Peter loves to say "daddy pie" over and over again :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I got money

Peter talks more than probably any of the other kids ever did. He is extremely social and has always made eye contact in engaged even since he was 6 months old. He talks very well in English and in Chinese. Today we started chatting " I got money I got money I got money" As he was holding toy coins. He seems very precocious.

Also his great Grandma neville told me that she thought he was the most adorable boy she had ever seen when he is happy.