Saturday, December 24, 2016

Re: West Saguaro National Park Wasson Peak Hike

On Dec 24, 2016 9:18 AM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:
Yesterday we hiked the Wasson Peak at West Saguaro National Park. It is about 7.4 miles both ways, Enoch and Michael hiked all by themselves!! So proud! Peter did great too, walked half way up and two thirds of way down. Mom carried Peter with a baby backpack carrier. 

West Saguaro National Park Wasson Peak Hike

Yesterday we hiked the Wasson Peak at West Saguaro National Park. It is about 7.4 miles both ways, Enoch and Michael hiked all by themselves!! So proud! Peter did great too, walked half way up and two thirds of way down. Mom carried Peter with a baby backpack carrier. 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016


All year Peter didn't do much in soccer. He cried every game and sat on the sidelines for the most part, refusing to even stand on the field for most of practice and especially games. The second to last game of the season, at the end of the 1st half he stood up from my lap on the sideline, ran unto the field, got the ball at half field, dribbled it down the field, and scored a goal. He then sat down with me and refused to play the rest of the game.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Still his fav

Still Peter's favorite sleeping style at 3.5 years old!😆

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Heard Enoch educating Michael and Peter: If Santa is magical, then ghosts and zombies are real!" Not sure what to say to that. Hmmm.. Sam said it might be Enoch's last year believing in Santa😥

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sharon Rogers" <>
Date: Dec 1, 2016 7:48 PM
Subject: Santa
To: "blogenoch" <>, "blogpeter" <>, "blogmichael" <>

Heard Enoch educating Michael and Peter: If Santa is magical, then ghosts and zombies are real!" Not sure what to say to that. Hmmm.. Sam said it might be Enoch's last year believing in Santa😥